Geesh... Yesterday the weather forecasters told us that we were going to have a "snow event." The majority of schools were canceled as well. (We are not equipped to handle snow in our area) So, I just have to post a picture of this HUGE event.
Only in Hampton Roads! :D
Lily nursed well all day yesterday. I tried to offer her a bottle and she spit out the milk and made a face like it was the Worst thing that she has ever tasted. It was kind of cute. I took a couple of irresistible pics of her too.
My oldest daughter is extremely talented. She has painted some adorable art that matches Lily's nursery perfectly! This is the first one, she has two more to finish.
I have a Doctors appointment today. Just a 4 week check up from my c-section. Tomorrow we see Lily's doctor again and we will find out if her surgery is a go this week or not.
How nice it is to have a daughter that is so talented! I just love her art she is making for the nursery!! It's like having your own HGTV living right in your own home.
Good luck with the dr. appointments. I pray good news for both of you!
Wow! I wish I had the time and motivation to paint something for Audrey's room. I used to have a creative bone but somewhere in the last 10 years it broke...
The artwork is perfect for Lilly's room. She is so stinkin cute!!
Snow day!? is right! Kody was out today as well due to snow farther down in Currituck, but we got absolutley nothing!
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